Wednesday, 11 August 2010


We here at MacGuffin and Cheese are huge Batman fans. We love DC's caped crusader and colourful villains just as much as the next guy, from comic book to TV to cinema, there's little about the Bat that we don't like, but for now let's focus on the cinema.

Now we've always been fans of the Batman movies that have now since passed (despite the fact they aren't necessarily critically acclaimed). And now Christopher Nolan has brought to us a take on Batman that people are much more accepting of since the days of Tim Burton. We're very thankful for that, but one thing that Nolan's Batman and more specifically Ledger's Joker have spawned is something of a dismal community of homages and Halloween costumes. Until now, that is.

Our luck has finally changed! After every man and his dog's YouTube videos of Joker impressions, we've finally been given something worth watching. 'Tell Gordon Hello' is a fan-made video created by Morgan Rodner and Casey Schendel of Start Picture Productions. It's just over 10 minutes long and features a fantastic portrayal of the Joker, in talks with a hostage. It's an incredibly well produced piece of work, with spot-on camera work, a very will written script and top drawer make-up. A must-see piece for amateur movie makers and Batman fans alike, go check it out now!

You can find the video on the official website for the film, alongside details on the project and the filmmakers either by clicking the following link:

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